Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hundreds of thousands of patients are amputated every year because of diabetes, but they don’t know that this can be avoided.

Diabetes is a group of lifelong metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by multiple causes. With more than 100 complications, it is the most common complication known.

Hundreds of thousands of patients are amputated every year because of diabetes, but they don’t know that this can be avoided.
Patients with amputation due to diabetes are 10 to 20 times more likely to be non-diabetic. About 10 years after the onset of diabetes, there will be at least one complication in 30% to 40% of patients, and once the complications occur, drug treatment is difficult to reverse, so early prevention of diabetes is particularly important.

  Early symptoms of diabetes:


  Dry mouth, thirst, drinking water, sputum, ecchymosis, swelling of the gums, pain in the teeth, or burning sensation in the mouth.

  2. Eyes

  Yellow flat new creature (yellow tumor) under the eyelid

  3. Skin

  Lower extremities, foot ulcers have not healed for a long time; or have repeated skin and vulvar infections; skin abrasions or scratches are not easy to heal, or recurrent balanitis, vulvitis, vaginitis.

  4. Urine

  Males have frequent urination and more urine.

  5. Weight

  Slow weight loss without obvious cause

  Diabetes diet needs to know:

  1. Eat dry and not eat thin: Diabetes people try to eat ‘dry’. For example: miscellaneous grains, two noodles, etc. Do not eat noodles, porridge / rice, noodle soup, noodles, etc. The reason is the more dilute diet, the longer the cooking time, the softer and worse the food, the better the digestion, the faster the sugar will rise, so no matter what porridge should not be eaten.

  2. Eat hard and not eat soft: In the diabetes diet, it is also dry. We recommend ‘harder’ instead of ‘softer’. The reason is the same as above.

  3. Eat green and not eat red: too much food, many patients can not determine which I should eat, which should not be eaten. Generally green, mostly plants containing chlorophyll, such as: green vegetables. The red sugar is relatively high and should not be eaten. If you eat the same weight of cucumbers and tomatoes, tomatoes can obviously rise in sugar. Therefore, in the case of uncertainty, ‘green’ is generally safer.

  How to prevent it?

  1. Reasonable diet

  Eat high-fiber foods in your daily diet. For example, corn, oatmeal, celery and other cellulose-containing foods are often eaten, which can effectively reduce the risk of breast cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. It also greatly reduces the incidence of diabetes.

  2. Weight control

  If you are overweight, your chances of getting diabetes will increase a lot. Adjusting your body to the best weight is an effective way to prevent diabetes.

  3. Get rid of bad habits

  Stop smoking and quit smoking, don't eat too fast, and change bad habits in life such as overeating. To maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  4. Sleeping time

  To ensure 6-8 hours of sleep time, people with less than 6 hours can increase their chances of developing diabetes by a factor of two. People who sleep more than 8 hours can increase their chances of developing diabetes by a factor of three. ?

  5. Do more outdoor sports

  Increase physical activity and participate in physical exercise, which can accelerate the decomposition of fat, reduce weight, improve lipid metabolism, and help prevent cardiovascular complications of diabetes. It also enhances physical and immune function and helps to improve mental state and enjoy the body and mind.

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